Musica Classica - John Mitchell
    Testi delle Canzoni - Musica Classica di John Mitchell


Set by John Mitchell (1941-) op. 71 (1989), from Seven Journeys to Earth, part 2, no. 5.
Text by Emily Brontë (1818-1848)

Oh, thy bright eyes must answer now,
When Reason, with a scornful brow,
Is mocking at my overthrow!
Oh, thy sweet tongue must plead for me
And tell me why I have chosen thee!
Why I have persevered to shun
The common paths that others run;
And on a strange road journeyed on
And gave my spirit to adore
Thee, ever-present, phantom thing--
My slave, my comrade, and my king.

A slave, because I rule thee still;
Incline thee to my changeful will,
A comrade, for by day and night
Thou art my intimate delight,--

My darling pain that wounds and sears,
And wrings a blessing out from tears
By deadening me to earthly cares;
And yet, a king, though Prudence well
Have taught thy subject to rebel

And am I wrong to worship where
Faith cannot doubt, nor hope despair,
Since my own soul can grant my prayer?
Speak, God of visions, plead for me,
And tell why I have chosen thee!

* portions of original poem omitted by Mitchell
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