클래식 음악 - John Mitchell
    클래식 음악 - 작곡가 존 미첼(John Mitchell)


Set by John Mitchell  (1941-) op. 1 (1964, 1977).
Text by 윌리엄 블레이크 (1757-1827)


I love the merry dance, 
The softly breathing song, 
Where innocent eyes do glance,
Where lisps the maiden's tongue.  

I love the laughing vale, 
I love the echoing hill, 
Where mirth does never fail, 
And the jolly swain laughs his fill. 

I love the pleasant cot,
I love the innocent bow'r,
Where white and brown is our lot,
Or fruit in the midday hour. 

I love the oaken seat,
Beneath the oaken tree,
Where all the villagers meet,
And laugh my sports to see. 

I love our neighbors all,
But Kitty, I love thee more;
And love them ever I shall;
But thou art all to me. 

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